Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Interview Fact Sheet: Is Your Rut Ruining your Relationships?

Bonnie Hopkins Fact Sheet -
Greetings. This fact sheet's purpose is to provide press interview questions and talking points for an interview with Bonnie. You can grab talking points, questions, & book info as text on this page, if you scroll below. You can also receive a soft copy of this Fact Sheet, here. Thank you!

Media Contact: Dee Stewart| deegospelpr@gmail.com| Twitter | Facebook |770. 298. 7539

[Houston, TX]-- Fans say that Bonnie Hopkins combines the soul stirring devotion of Sharon Ewell Foster with the graceful style of J. California Cooper. Her sophomore Christian fiction novel, Now and Then, Again, is a compelling look at Vann Sinclair a woman who uses her faith to guide her not just through her maturing life, but toward a romance she believed she was too old to have.

“Walk Worthy Press books remind us that in every area of our lives He truly cares for us.”
-T.D. Jakes

10 Questions to ask Bonnie

  1. Why is the main thread for both your novels Change?
  2. Summarize this book in one sentence.
  3. What is the spiritual takeaway of this book?
  4. Why do you see when you look back over your life?
  5. In what way our girlfriend circles a form of outreach ministry?
  6. Can you tie Now and Then, Again with a popular topic affecting women today?
  7. Why did you choose to discuss relational baggage/soul ties in this novel and what is its relevance to today's Christian?
  8. Who is Bonnie Hopkins? What defines you as a Christian artist?
  9. Why is this book a good read for women and men of all ages?
  10. Is there a dream too great for God to fulfill?

Talking Points
1.       Girlfriend Circles
2.       Romance after 50
3.       How Ruts Become Roadblocks
4.       God’s Providence
5.       Writing as Second Career

Events & Book Info
  • August 15, 2009, Town Center Mall, Charleston, WVA
  • Featured in June, Good Girl Book Club Magazine
  •  Now And Then, Again; Walk Worthy; 368 pp; $13.99; ISBN: 978-0446582391; softcover; Fiction